Vitamin Therapy
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Personalize Vitamin Therapy Tailored to your Needs
A powerful combination of B vitamins and essential amino acids will be sure to have you feeling at the top of your game!
- Boosts Energy
- Improve Hydration
- Great for Active Patients
A substancial dose of Vitamin C with added B complex and magnesium to help boost and maintain the strength of your immune system.
- Strengthens Immune System
- Boosts Vitamin Levels
- Great for Traveling
Phosphatidyl choline is an amino acid that aids in brain health. It has shown promise in studies to remove arterial plaquing in Parkinsons' patients.
- Improves Brain Health
- Boosts Vitamin Levels
- Great for Memory Care
Glow Up
This combination of amino acids, B vitamins, vitamin C and magnesium is everything your body needs to keep your skin, hair and nails as healthy as possible.
- Boosts Collagen Production
- Hydrates & Revitalizes
- Boosts Vitamin Levels
Weight Loss
Our powerful combination of B-12, L-Carnitine and other B vitamins will be the perfect boost you need to help burn fat and give you the energy you need.
- Helps Burn Fat
- Boosts Energy Levels
- Improves Hydration
Our combination of glutathione, vitamins & minerals are essential for detoxing the body.
- Helps Cleanse your Organs
- Liver & Kidney Detox
- Hydrates & Revitalizes
Why Vitamin Therapy?
Vitamin Therapy allows the absorption of 99.9% of vitamins, delivering them straight into your bloodstream for maximum impact, compared to the 8% absorption that oral, tablet forms deliver.
Vitamin Therapy FAQ
Everything you need to know about Vitamin Therapy.
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